Computing Teacher: Mr A Sallu |

Students at Kirkburton Middle School study Computing for one hour per week throughout Years 6, 7 and 8. Students also have many opportunities to use computers in other subjects, where they are taught new skills and also are able to practise the skills that they have learned in their Computing lessons.

Curriculum Overview

Year 6

Autumn Term

Basic Skills
Introduction to the school network, passwords. Skills and knowledge to build keyboard and mouse dexterity. Familiarisation with common software packages.  Pupils will also look at how binary numbers work.

Introduction to Spreadsheets
Pupils will work through a set of learning exercises in Excel covering cell references, basic formulae ( +, -, /, *) and the SUM and AVERAGE functions.

Road Safety & Computing
Pupils look at road safety, how programs can be used to control crossings and lights and use their spreadsheet skills from the previous module to create graphs of stopping distances.

Spring Term

Scratch LOGO
Pupils will look at machine vs human intelligence.  They will use an on-screen module of a Martian rover and control it around the surface of Mars.  They will then use Scratch to program the computer to draw regular polygons.

Games & Variables
Pupils will use Scratch to create a “bubble popping” game.

Perfect Presentations
Pupils will create a short PowerPoint, focusing on building up a presentation from titles, to bullet points before adding colour, fonts and images.

Summer Term

Pupils will discuss online safety & which measures should be put in place to protect themselves from the dangers on the internet. 

Textual programming Introduction
Pupils will develop programming skills through a project.

Year 7

Autumn Term

Spreadsheets and Charts
Pupils revise the spreadsheet work carried out in year 6.  They then go on to work on profit/loss spreadsheets, absolute and relative cell references and creating graphs for various scenarios.

How Computers Work
Pupils learn about the parts that make up a modern pc. They will revisit the use of 4-bit binary numbers, and extend this to converting 8-bit binary numbers between denary and binary and vice versa. They will look at logic gates and how they can be used to create various outputs from binary inputs.

Bitmap and Vector Graphics
Pupils will work on a series of image manipulation tasks. They will gather, input and process both real life and computer created images. Pupils will look at company logos and at what features make a good logo. They will produce logos for specific companies or organisations and evaluate their own work. They will create a portfolio of work in PowerPoint.

Spring Term

Encryption and Code Breaking 
Pupils will look at some simple codes and carry out some exercises to encrypt messages.  They will look at why encryption is important today, particularly in relation to the Internet. Pupils will then learn about the work of Alan Turing and build spreadsheets to break coded messages. They will look at ASCII code and how it is used in a modern computer.

Animation, Sequencing and Control
Pupils will use FLOWOL to create sequences of instructions using selection and repetition.  They will design a toy for a young child that has hidden functions. Pupils will produce some animations using Scratch and engage in a series of problem-solving exercises using Scratch.  

RGB Colour
Pupils will revisit the RGB colour model, carry out some exercises to revise RGB colour and then take a summative test.  They will complete a programming task in BASIC to animate a sprite and use the RGB colour model to alter the default colours.

Summer Term

Integrated Project – ‘Sandwich Shop’
Pupils complete a project to set up a business selling sandwiches. They will need to create a logo for the company, create a spreadsheet to calculate profit/loss and design a three-panel leaflet to advertise the business. Some pupils may go on to create business cards and letterheads for the company.

Integrated Project - 'Super Powered'
Pupils will work on a series of tasks using different programs to create a superhero character. They will design a costume, a team logo and team identity cards. They will use a spreadsheet to break a coded message, and then use a database to identify a supervillain. Finally, they will use the programming skills from a previous module to control a robot through a maze to the villain’s hideout.

Year 8

Autumn Term

Information and Communication
Pupils will use spreadsheets to enter data, analyse results and produce bar charts and scatter graphs.  They will work in a word processing program to edit text and use a DTP package to create a poster for a specific audience.

How Computers Work
Pupils will revise binary and denary conversion, learn about hexadecimal numbers and look at how hexadecimal numbers are used in RGB colour codes. They will revise AND, OR and NOT gates and then look at NAND, NOR and XOR gates. They will then complete exercises using truth tables for the gates or sequences of gates. Pupils will also learn about computer parts and memory, storage and transfer speeds, and units such as Kb, KB, mb, MB, MiB etc.

The Maths Machine
Pupils will create some simple programs to revise the use of variables in BASIC.  They will then create simple programs to add, subtract, multiply and divide two numbers from user inputs.  They will revisit the use of IF…THEN…ELSE selection and write a short program using a series of IF…THEN…ELSE decisions. Each of these skills are then put together in a project to create a “Maths Machine” – a calculator that will carry out basic functions, but will also calculate areas of shapes, square roots etc using the previously visited functions and incorporating them into procedures.

Sequencing and Control
Pupils will program in Scratch using variables to move a sprite.  In FLOWOL pupils will complete an assessed project to create a system for a car park that controls IN and OUT barriers, counts cars in and out and utilises a “Full” sign that automatically stops cars from entering until another car leaves.

Spring Term

Programming in BASIC
Pupils will work through a series of programming problems, learning new commands as they proceed.  They will bring these skills together to create a program that simulates the rolling of a die using random numbers.

Binary, Hexadecimal and Colours
Pupils will revisit the theory work on binary and hexadecimal numbers and how these are used in the RGB colour model.  They will revisit computer memory and storage units.  They will create programs in BASIC that convert binary data into images on the computer.

Spreadsheets and Selection
Pupils will revise the work they have previously done using spreadsheets – addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, SUM and AVERAGE, use of absolute and relative cells. They will then go on to learn how to use IF statements and the COUNTIF function. Finally, they will use their knowledge of spreadsheets to create a general knowledge quiz that will automatically give the user their score.  Some pupils will also look at recording and editing macros in a spreadsheet and using RGB codes to change colours through the use of a macro.

Summer Term

Pupils will look at how databases are used and discuss how their own details are collected and stored on various databases around the world.  Using Microsoft Access, they will learn how to create a new database, create a user form for adding records, add, delete and edit records, import records from a CSV file, and use queries to search a database using multiple criteria.

The Guessing Game
Pupils will create a “Guessing Game” in BASIC where the user has a certain number of guesses to find a secret number.  They will create a user interface using custom programmed characters and use RGB codes to create custom colours.

Sound and Vision
Pupils will use images, video clips and sound to learn how to use a video editing package.  They will produce a 30 second holiday advert and a 60 second film trailer.

Careers in Computing

GCSE Computer Science will allow students to continue onto A-Level Computing or Computer Science, A-Level ICT and Level 3 BTEC ICT. Beyond this students can progress to degree level courses in the areas of ICT and Computing. Whilst this specification is not specifically mapped to any particular industry standard IT qualifications it will provide a sound preparatory basis of study for them. In addition the course provides the knowledge, skills and understanding that a growing number of employers are demanding.

Careers in ICT & Computing include:

  • Analyst Programmers.
  • Chief Information Officers.
  • Communications Trade Workers.
  • Computer Network Professionals.
  • Database and Systems Administrators and ICT Security.
  • ICT Business and Systems Analysts.
  • ICT Managers.
  • ICT Sales Assistants.
  • ICT Teacher
  • ICT Technician
  • Software Engineer
  • ICT Consultant
  • Games Designer

    Computing Careers Snapshot

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