Kirkburton & Scissett Middle Schools Joint Governing Body

The Governors work closely with the Headteacher and staff in order to ensure that the school’s objectives can be met. The Governing Body consists of the Headteacher, parents, members nominated by the Local Authority, Community Governors and representatives of the teaching and support staff of the school. Meetings of the full Governing Body are usually held every half term and sub-committees also meet regularly. Parent Governors are appointed as a result of nominations and elections in which all parents are eligible to stand and vote. One of their particular responsibilities is to provide a viewpoint from that of ‘parent’ to the Governing Body. If Parents wish to contact a Governor they may write, in confidence, addressed c/o the school.

Name Type of Governor Specific Responsibilities and Links Current Term of Office
From To
Mr John Jolly

Chair of Governors

Co-opted Governor

Governor Induction & Training


28/09/2020 27/09/2024
Ms Melanie Barnard Parent Governor


Vision, Value & School Improvement Plan

17/01/2022 16/01/2026
Mrs Shauna Chesworth Parent Governor Vision, Value & School Improvement Plan 21/11/2022 20/11/2026
Ms Liz Godman Co-opted Governor



28/09/2020 27/09/2024
Mrs Sarah Hallas Staff Governor Governor Induction & Training 03/12/2021 02/12/2025
Mr Ian Lakin Parent Governor

Finance & Operations 

02/11/2020 01/11/2024
Mr Chris Taylor Executive Headteacher




Mr Jason Terry Staff Governor   03/02/2021 02/02/2025
Dr Jane Turner-Brown Co-opted Governor


10/05/2021 09/05/2025
Previous Members Governor Type Date Stepped Down
Mrs Sarah Armitage Co-opted 21/12/2023
Mrs Kimberley Clee Parent 24/11/2023
Mrs Justine Watson Co-opted 18/05/2023
Mrs Ann Large Headteacher 16/04/2023
Mr John Ingman Co-opted 31/03/2023
Mrs Lorraine Simpson Parent 26/12/2022
Ms Victoria Green Co-opted 01/12/2022
Ms Viv Barraclough Parent 01/11/2022
Mrs Nichola Thorpe Co-opted 26/07/2022
Mrs Hayley Parkes Community 18/05/2022
Dr Ann Harris Co-opted 01/02/2022

Governing Body Register of Interests

Updated: 07/05/2024 177 KB

Governors Meetings Attendance

Updated: 09/09/2024 285 KB
Updated: 06/09/2023 291 KB
Updated: 07/09/2022 597 KB


Our Chair of Governors - Mr John Jolly, can be contacted via the school office

Please click here to view the government 'Get information about schools' website

Click here to view the MAST Governance Structure